Not Needing New on Podcasts
I thought it would be a good idea to have a place where the podcasts that I have been a guest on, can all sit together and you can click through for a listen!
Fresh Starts with Stacey Dooley (BBC) - this was such a great experience. Stacey came over to my little flat and we made the episode. The mens lingerie company is above the car workshop where I also work for some of the time, this is a great listen and Isaac and Amalia are also in it!

2) Middling Along WIth Emma Thomas - This was a lovely chilled chat about all things N N N and Emma is so easy to chat to. It's like a chat between friends on the bus that you're overhearing!

***** You can listen to it here *****
3) Perception Podcast with Caroline Partridge - My sister went to a New Year's Eve party and met Caroline, who told her she was an actress and broadcaster who made podcasts and she then lined me up to chat to Caroline! Her energy and wisdom was wonderful to join along with and I think you'll like this episode..

**** You can listen to it here****

4) Here's a fabulous chat I had with the adventurous Menopause coach, Laura, from Marvellous Midlife. In this episode we chat about so many things - being a parent, a step parent, an equal partner, a daughter, managing with less, recognising an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and giving it up - Loads of things that women everywhere will relate to. You can listen to it here.
This was a real experience! Going up to Global in Leicester Square to record an episode of Lou Featherstone's Self Love Revolution podcast with the presenter Claira Hermet and me. It is all about facing tough moments in life and developing resilience. You can listen to it here.
